TONIGHT | 7PM GMan Tavern - One More Moon
SAT JULY 23 | 8PM Solerno's Dinner & A Show
FRI JULY 22 | 21+ | 5:30 Doors | 7pm Comedy Night at Digs on Canal
20th Anniversary Party is in the works! Stay tuned...
Spring has sprung! New shows up, including Schubas Tavern and House of Blues!
Have you heard? We are taking over LINCOLN HALL again on Friday 2/22! Tickets available HERE
Happy Holidays! New shows added! Check out our lineups and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and details
VIP tickets available NOW for 1/11/19 cover band night with Addy's Corner, The Rack & the Riddler, and The Switches! Get some before they are GONE
Shows! Shows! Shows! Follow us on FB and Instagram (@ShoeshineBoyProductions) for details and ticket giveaways
FRI NOV 2 Cubby Bear - The Rack & the Riddler (details TBA)
NEXT FRI 9/28:
GMan Tavern - Hitsleep
Metro Chicago - Ludlow
Next Saturday July 28
House of Blues - ReAnimate the Fallen
BIG SHOWS coming up at Schubas Tavern, House of Blues, Metro, and GMan Tavern this summer. Keep checking in here and our social media pages for details and free tickets!
Thanks to everyone who participated and supported local music at our 18th anniversary party last week. Please continue to support local music! Like our Facebook and Instagram pages for chances to win FREE tickets to upcoming shows!
Next Friday March 30
Cubby Bear - New House
SAT MAR 17 - 7:30PM
Schubas Tavern - Revolt Coda
TONIGHT - Cubby Bear - 7:30PM - $10 Who's This Mary Addy's Corner Strictly Cheddar Soda Jerks Sincerely Sarlacc
No shows this weekend. Don't miss what's coming up! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news and updates.
Happy Holidays from Shoeshine Boy Productions! Like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram for chances to win tickets to our featured showcase or any of our upcoming shows!
TONIGHT: Cubby Bear - Farkus
TOMORROW: GMan Tavern - Mike Gassett
TONIGHT: Metro - Marcus Alexander
TONIGHT: Cobra Lounge - Don't Speak (Tribute Night)
THIS WEEKEND: GMan Tavern - Scotch the Filmmaker
THIS WEEKEND: 8/4 Cubby Bear - David Costa 8/5 Elbo Room - Bury the Machines
TONIGHT: Cubby Bear - Eye & i
THIS WEEKEND: 7/14 Cubby Bear - That Dude Fraze 7/16 Cobra Lounge - Voice of Addiction
TONIGHT: Cobra Lounge - Dark Heart News
THIS WEEKEND: 6/3 GMan Tavern - The Struggs 6/3 House of Blues - Obisoulstar
THIS WEEKEND: 5/26 Cubby Bear - Bury Me In Lights 5/27 Cobra Lounge - We Killed The Lion
TONIGHT: 5/19 Metro - David Costa
THIS WEEKEND: 5/12 Cubby Bear - Blue Mud 5/13 Cubby Bear - Local Motive 5/13 Elbo Room - Apache Grosse
No shows this weekend.
NEXT WEEKEND: 5/12 Cubby Bear - Blue Mud 5/13 Cubby Bear - Local Motive 5/13 Elbo Room - Apache Grosse
THIS WEEKEND: 4/28 Cubby Bear - Valen 4/29 Cobra Lounge - Heartsick
TOMORROW 4/22: 17th Anniversary Party at Cubby Bear
THIS WEEKEND: 4/14 Cobra Lounge - Sandblasted Skin 4/16 Lincoln Hall - Them Dead Poets
TOMORROW 4/13: Schubas Tavern - Simpleton & Cityfolk
TOMORROW 4/4: At North - Liz & The Lovelies EP Release Show
TOMORROW 3/31: Cubby Bear - Austin Fillmore
THIS WEEKEND: FRI 3/24 - Cobra Lounge - Praise the Fallen
SUN 3/26 - Schubas Tavern - La-T-Ly
TONIGHT: Schubas Tavern - Hyperplane
TONIGHT: Cubby Bear - PriMary
JUST ANNOUNCED: Thu. 3/16 Schubas Tavern: Hyperplane Leonum Cardinal Harbor Dave Tamkin
TONIGHT: Cubby Bear - Kelroy
TWO SHOWS TONIGHT: Metro - Draft Week At North - River Snakes
TWO SHOWS TONIGHT: 2/17 Cubby Bear 2/17 Cobra Lounge
TWO SHOWS THIS WEEKEND: 2/10 Cubby Bear 2/11 Cobra Lounge
THIS WEEKEND: 1/28 Cobra Lounge
TWO SHOWS THIS WEEKEND: 1/20 Cubby Bear 1/21 Cobra Lounge
TWO SHOWS NEXT WEEKEND: 1/20 Cubby Bear 1/21 Cobra Lounge
Tickets still available for TONIGHT! Our final show of 2016 at CUBBY BEAR
THREE SHOWS THIS WEEKEND: 12/16 Cobra Lounge 12/16 Cubby Bear 12/17 Cubby Bear
THREE SHOWS THIS WEEKEND: 12/9 Cubby Bear 12/9 Metro 12/10 Cobra Lounge
Tickets still available for tomorrow's show featuring Taste of Ink, Achilles, Stondar, and Bury the Machines at COBRA LOUNGE
SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD - Taste of Ink, Achilles, Stondar, and Bury the Machines at COBRA LOUNGE
SATURDAY NOV 19TH - At North - Neon Creek, Element, Almond&Olive. Event info and purchase advance tickets HERE
TOMORROW OCT 8TH - At North - The Roalde Dahls, Daylight Sinners, and Colin Morris. Purchase tickets in advance and save $$$ HERE
Discount tickets for our October 8th show at @North ON SALE NOW. Purchase in advance and save $$$ HERE
Two big shows this weekend! Tonight 9/16 CUBBY BEAR at 8pm! Tomorrow 9/17 @NORTH at 8pm!
Addy's Corner, Eye & i, The Flat Rats, Trick Shooter Social Club, and Winkler Mill at House of Blues TOMORROW NIGHT. Purchase tickets in advance and save $$$ HERE
Sneezy, Curt Cohiba & Jackpot the Umbrella Band, Praise the Fallen, and David Costa at CUBBY BEAR TOMORROW NIGHT. Purchase tickets in advance and save $3 HERE
A Friend Called Fire, The Braver Days, Manic Museum, and Blood People at Cobra Lounge TOMORROW NIGHT. Purchase tickets in advance and save $$ HERE
We take over Cubby Bear this Friday and Saturday night! Check out Friday's show info and purchase tickets HERE and Saturday's show HERE
We have a fantastic lineup for you this Friday at Lincoln Hall! Check the show info and purchase tickets HERE
Head over to Old Town Social's Acoustic Night this Thursday, June 16th from 8-11pm for good music and drink specials! This week's performer is Joe Shadid of Big Paraid
This Friday at Double Door! You WILL NOT want to miss this! Check the show info and purchase tickets HERE
Check out what we have in store for you THIS FRIDAY NIGHT at Cubby Bear HERE
Awesome lineup this Saturday night at Cubby Bear. Check it OOUUTTT
Get your tickets today for the 16th Anniversary Party on Saturday May 7th at Double Door HERE
HUGE SHOW at House of Blues Chicago THIS SATURDAY. Get info and tickets HERE
Get your tickets today for the 16th Anniversary Party on Saturday May 7th HERE
This Saturday! Leonum and Deep Hollow dual CD release show at Schubas!!
Shoeshine Boy showcase at Metro on Saturday. BE THERE!
Shoeshine Boy/SwizzleSteve showcase at Cubby Bear TOMORROOOWWWW
Shoeshine Boy/SwizzleSteve showcase at Cubby Bear ON FRIDAY!
Shoeshine Boy/SwizzleSteve showcase at Cubby Bear on Friday!
Shoeshine Boy/SwizzleSteve showcase at Metro TONIGHT!
Heating & Cooling "Quit Your Day Job" showcase on Friday!
Heating and Cooling tonight, Cubby and Cobra tomorrow. You have no excuses!
Happy New Year folks. Hope you can make to HVAC this Saturday the 9th to party with us
Post Thanksgiving plans? Black Friday at Cubby Bear or Metro!
So we heard there is gonna be some fireworks at Metro this Thursday. You coming?
House of Blues tomorrow night is gonna be a blast. You coming?
BC Fest this weekend and Cubby Bear Showcase on Saturday. Go support music and make bad decisions!
Evan Hand of Big Paraid and Chris Buehrle Band perform FOR FREE this weekend at Dinosaur BBQ. F*ck Riot Fest! (Just kidding, thats a great time too)
Nothing says Labor Day week like a show at Cubby Bear. This Saturday night!
So there is great shows at METRO AND CUBBY BEAR this Friday. Go to shows and see what we are talking about!
So there is a great show at Metro this Friday that you should go to. YUP!
Shoeshine Boy Takes over CUBBY BEAR this weekend. Check out both shows!
Double Door this Friday with Artist of the Month, TANKS AND GUNS!
Be safe at Lolla folks.. Or come check out our shows at Dinosaur BBQ on Weed Street!
Saturday at Metro we have a great line up.. check it out!
House of Blues tomorrow (Friday) will be off the CHAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Artist Of The Month TANKS & GUNS at Double Door August 7. Tickets are available now!.
House of Blues on Friday night. The Cup* will be there (*My nickname in High School).
Like us on Facebook to see the pictures from the 15 Year Anniversary Party this week. Like us HERE
CONGRATS TO ARTIST OF THE MONTH TANKS AND GUNS. Catch them in August at Double Door.
Still in recover mode from the Anniversary Party folks. Pictures coming soon so make sure you like us on Facebook
Less than 10 days before the party guys. Oh and, blow your minds HERE
15th Anniversary Party THIS SATURDAY at Double Door!! Only advance ticket holds get complimentary PBR & Jameson for the pre-party. Get your tickets HERE
15th Anniversary Party on Saturday May 9th at Double Door!! Only advance ticket holds get complimentary PBR and Jameson for the pre-party. Get your tickets HERE
Get your tickets for the 15th Anniversary party today HERE
Metro, Cubby Bear and Double Door this weekend. March Madness!!!
This a great weekend of shows at Metro, Schubas and Double Door. Check it out, kids!
Metro has Bambi Raptor this Friday. What do you got?
Tonight at Lincoln Hall: Ariada's Farewell to Chicago show. Don't miss this!
Great weekend of shows at Double Door and Lincoln Hall last week. Thanks for coming!!
CENTRAL STANDARD @ Lincoln Hall tonight! Fuck yeah!
Happy New Year Everyone. Hope to see you at House of Blues on Friday!
TONIGHT! Honey & the 45s CD release at Metro, Jordan Englehardt at Double Door. Pick your poison Chicago!
We have a great show in store for you all at METRO this Saturday.. Don't believe us? You are dumb then.
Great show at House of Blue this Saturday night. Check it out!! Like us on Facebook already! Its 2014!
Great shows this weekend with SwizzleSteve at Cubby Bear and Metro!
Check out the BC Fest THIS WEEKEND!
Cubby Bear showcase on Friday night with SwizzleSteve... You best be there....
HOUSE OF BLUES ON FRIDAY. Come check it....
Come check out this amazing night of music at Metro this Friday night....
House of Blues show this Saturday with Weber Band, Sunfallen, Verona Red, Kelroy, & David Costa
BUMPUS and Tamkin Trio at House of Blues? Yes please. Thursday at 6/26/14 at House of Blues
We are camping out at Lincoln Hall this Thursday & Friday with some amazing shows. You should join us.
CUBBY BEAR ON SATURDAY + Workout Music + Big Paraid + Fletcher + Noise FM = FUN
Pictures are up on our Facebook page from the 14th Anniversary Party. Like us HERE
Still recovering from the 14th Anniversary party? Us too. Come to Metro on Friday anyways
Get your tickets to the 14th Anniversary party this Saturday at Double Door HERE
10 days until the anniversary party @ Double Door. Get your tickets HERE
Check out ARTIST OF THE MONTH - DAVE TAMKIN TONIGHT @ Double Door February 28, 2014
Cubby Bear showcase with As Famous As and friends this Friday!
Lincoln Hall & Metro shows this weekend, oh MY!
Check out the new venue, Wire tomorrow night!
Ring in the new year with us at some amazing shows this weekend at Schubas, Lincoln Hall and Double Door
Happy Holidays from all of us at Shoeshine Boy Productions. See you in 2014!
If you have not been, you really should check out Acoustic Wednesdays at Old Town Social. Such a great vibe.
BLACK WEDNESDAY at Double Door with Board of Governors, Hawthorne Effect, Boots with Spurs, John Charles Weston
Train Company at Double Door this Saturday.. You should really go.
Happy Halloween y'all. Stay tuned for some great shows in November
Miss Dave Tamkin? Catch his brief and anticipated return at Elbo Room tonight!
Miss Markit 8? Don't worry, they are back at Double Door this Saturday with Big Pariad and more!
METRO !!!!!!!!!!!
One Season, The Hooks, Audio Content and My God, the Heat at Cubby Bear this Friday... You should be there!
SwizzleSteve and Shoeshine Boy Presents an amazing night of music at Lincoln Hall tonight. Dude, what else you got going on?
Go see Tim Stop at Double Door this Thursday night! On Facebook, we are giving away a pair of tickets. Just like us already.
Thyme Machines at Double Door Friday night. Wanna go? Yeah you do.
Lolla is this weekend. Go, and make some bad decisions. That's what its all about.
Big fests this month all around town. Go to our upcoming shows to see what IS up
Next 5 people who want to go to Metro's Showcase on Friday for free, just like us on Facebook HERE
Happy Birthday America. Like us on Facebook HERE
More pictures from the 13th Anniversary Party are UP on our Facebook page. Like us on facebook, so you can see the pictures HERE
Pictures from the party will be up soon. Settle down. For now, like us on facebook, so you can see the pictures first. LIKE US
THIS SATURDAY! Free Heinekens & UV Vodka drinks while listening to 4 amazing bands. Get your advance tickets for the anniversary party Here
Yes, Shoeshine Boy and SwizzleSteve are back at Metro. #GroundhogDay
Great shows this weekend at Metro and Subterranean. F*ck the NCAA and your bracket!
Great shows this weekend at Cubby Bear and Subt.... You should be there
WORKOUT!! MUSIC !!(clap clap clapclapclap) WORKOUT MUSIC!! (clap clap clapclapclap): Cubby Bear: Saturday
Come check out the new monthly series we are doing "Woman Who Rock the Chi" this Friday at Cubby Bear
Is that a Metro Showcase on Friday? Yes, yes it is.
So this weekend, you need to come out to Cubby Bear on Friday
So this weekend, you need to come out and see a show at Lincoln Hall, Double Door, Beat Kitchen, or Subterranean, ok?
So this Friday, you need to come to THIS EVENT.
Schubas tomorrow. The Mayans will be there - So should you.
Metro showcase this Friday... Some amazing music you need to see before Christmas ruins everything.
BLACK WEDNESDAY SHOW JUST ANNOUCED. Check at the SHOWS page for more info.
Go Vote. Then come to Double door on Saturday for Artist of the Month: WORKOUT MUSIC and friends.
Great shows at Double Door, Cubby Bear and Subterranean this week. Check them out in the shows section.
Great shows next week, all week. Be a part of them. Happy Halloween.
Last call on taxes today.... Some great shows this weekend to spend your hard earned cash.
This Friday at Cubby Bear. Great music ensues.
Great METRO showcase this SATURDAY, for tickets, email Paul
Great comedy and music showcase THIS FRIDAY at Cubby Bear: For advance tickets, email Paul
Tomorrow Big Shows at Double Door & Beat Kitchen. Start the laborous weekend correctly.
Big Metro Showcase to be announced shortly. Stay Tuned!
Lolla is over. NOW WHAT? Check out our calendar for answers
Big shows in August, people. Brace yourselves!
Celebrate America with Workout Music this Saturday, July 7th at Subterranean. First 3 people who email us get on the guest list!
Lasalle Power Company on Friday: Main Squeeze and friends. First 3 people who email us get on the guest list!
Two great shows on Saturday. Come out and support your local bands.
Lots of great shows in June. Wanna go?
This Friday, Cubby Bear time! Be there!
Thanks to all the great bands and fans who made the 12th Anniversary Party amazing. Special Thanks to Double Door, Phil Kosch, Real Urban BBQ, Hoist, and Mike Hari from Fade Out Foto as well. Pictures will be up soon for those of you who missed it!
Last day for advance tickets today. And... the last clip made by Assembly.
Get your tickets today for the Anniversary Party DAMMIT and Check out this clip..
Get your tickets today for the Anniversary Party! It WILL sell out and only ADVANCE holders get the free stuff.... CHECK THIS OUT!
The Anniversary Party is coming soon. Only Advance Ticket Holders will get the goods. In the Meantime.... CHECK THIS OUT!
It's time to get tickets for the Anniversary Party, kids!. Email Paul to get yours today!
Check out the Shoecase this THURSDAY (March 8, 2012) at Double Door.
Congratulations to FEATURED ARTIST Workout Music on their CD Release. Party at Double Door February 4, 2012. Are you Coming?
Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Vintage Blue on their SOLD OUT CD Release party.
Happy New Year from all of us at Shoeshine Boy Productions. Congratulations to our Artist of the Month, Vintage Blue on their new CD, Strike the Mics!
Happy Holidays from all of us at Shoeshine Boy Productions....
DECEMBER ROCKs! Double Door this Saturday with Train Company, Safe Haven, Dennis Florine, Peter Terry & the City Profits, and Sunfallen
DECEMBER WILL ROCK! GET YOUR EFFEN TICKET FOR THE Metro's show with Vintage Blue, Jeffrey David, Andrew Fraker & Sons and DBP Here. Password is shoe for half priced tickets
This Friday at Park West. Comedy for Cancer. Get tickets now Here. Password is BADER for a discount
Have your ticket for Metro's show on December 8, 2011? Get it now Here. Password is shoe for half priced tickets
Chicago's Own (and our Artist of the Month) Rachael Yamagata's new album is a must buy. One of the best of 2011, if not the best.
House of Blues show next Friday, October 7, 2011. Do you have your tickets yet?
Acoustic Wednesdays at Old Town Social: This Week: Seth Bradley
Tonight: Dennis Florine, DBP, Vintage Blue, and Kevin Mileski at Cubby Bear. Say "Shoeshine Boy" at the door and get nothing back.
Lincoln Hall this Friday night: Peter Terry, Micah Walk Band, Safe Haven and Xoe Wise. It's gonna be a night of purty music...
Jeffrey David at The Scout This Wednesday for the Stella Artois series. Come check out this new South Loop venue!
Jeffrey David at Space (Evanston) opening for Daniella Cotton. This Sunday.
Got Fests? This weekend join us at Old St Pats, Lakeview Arts & Music, and Taste of River North. Ef Pitchfork!.
Happy 4th people: next week. Double Door with Peter Terry, Main Squeeze, Jessica Robbins & ESE. It will rock, but no fireworks allowed, however.
Saturday at Cubby Bear--> Dennis Florine CD Release, Workout Music & Weber Band. You would be foolish not to come.
This Saturday at Double Door: Workout Music, Sunfallen, Aly Jados and DP... 9:00pm.
This Friday at Lincoln Hall: Chris Buehrle Band, Kickbush, Kevin Mileski and Falldown. 9:30pm. DO IT
Thanks to all of you who made it to the Party... Pictures will be up soon! Be safe!
The 11th Anniversary Party is 10 days away! Free 3 Olives Vodka and Goose Island for advance ticket holders. Get Tickets Here
Great show this Friday at Cubby Bear: Check it out and Email Paul by Thursday night to get on the guest list
What to do Wednesdays in February? Old Town Social's Acoustic Wednesdays. FREE MUSIC!
Check out ARTIST OF THE MONTH JEFFREY DAVID at Double Door this Saturday!
Check out our choices for best albums of the 2010 year in "what we are listening to".
Acoustic Wednesdays at Old Town Social. Why haven't you been there? Free music, great food and beer. 8pm
LaSalle Power Company on Friday! The Return of Dan Darrah! Free show with Tanglewood and Stan M of Santah! 8pm
Listen for Jeffrey David's version of "Use Somebody" on XM Radio
LaSalle Power Company next Friday, Novemeber 5. Jeffrey David Goldford with his band. 9pm
LaSalle Power Company this Friday. Oct 22. Free show with Tim Stop Trio, Markit 8, and Empire State Express. Email Paul to get on the guest list!
Cubby Bear Showcase THIS Saturday with Train Company, Peter Terry, Murley Shertz, and Painkiller Hotel. Email Paul to get on the guest list!
Micah Walk returns to Chicago with a show at Cubby Bear THIS FRIDAY. Email Paul to get in free!
Autumn Sessions with Mer & Marlon (of Soulfix) at Bull n Bear this Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 8pm. No cover..
Come celebrate the beginning of Fall at Lasalle Power Company this Friday (9/24) with Workout Music, Peter Terry and the Bandages. FREE SHOW!.
Friday and Saturday at Cubby Bear: "Bands Marching" a UNIQUE "tribute" to Dave Matthews with Weber Band, Chris Buehrle band and many surprise guests. FREE SHOW!.
Chris Buehrle Band plays St. Vincent Fest (Lincoln Park) on Saturday.
Lincoln Hall show this weekend with Murley Shertz, Train Co., Markit 8, and Peter Terry. You should go and check it out.
Lolla is here. Tell us where you will be!
Jeffrey David opens for Marc Broussard at Space [SOLD OUT!]
BIG weekend of shows, starting this Thursday at at Montrose Room with Ryan Cabrera and Jeffrey David
Market Rooftop returns with Jasper Cunningham and members of Becky Likes Tigers. Wednesday at 8pm. FREE SHOW
BIG weekend of shows, starting this Thursday at Lincoln Hall
Pictures from the 10th Anniversary Party are up in the photo gallery!
No live music on the Market Rooftop for a bit. Stay tuned and GO HAWKS.
Jeffrey David and Johny Don't (Of AM Taxi) on the Market Rooftop this Wednesday (free show!)
Peter Terry and Markit 8 on the Market Rooftop this Wednesday (free show!)
Weber Band CD Release at Double Door this Saturday!
Freddy Jones at Cubby Bear this Saturday with Markit 8 and Micah Walk!
Great weekend and thank you all for 10 years. Pictures will be up soon...~!
Tonight is the big night. Hope to see you all there and thank you for the 10 years of support people~!
Get your advance tickets for this weekend's 10th Anniversary Party!. Friday's show is free if you say "Shoeshine Boy". If you need tickets for Saturdays show, email Paul Today. Without advance tickets, no preparty (aka free drinks) for you!
Get your tickets for the Anniversary Parties today as soon as possible: 2 shows this year!
Brilliants and Patrick Lyons Band this Thursday at Cubby Bear. Free show!
Becky Likes Tigers plays free show at Mahoneys this WEDNESDAY (not Thursday as on the email) at 7pm
JUST ADDED--> Jeffrey David (acoustic) @ Market (Chicago) this Wednesday. FREE SHOW @ 7:30 pm.
JUST ADDED--> Jeffrey David @ The Viper Room (Hollywood) this Saturday at 9pm
10 year Anniversary is set for Sat, April 24. HOLD THE DATE!
Congrats to our ARTIST OF THE MONTH Jeffrey David Goldford on American Idol's top 40! Check out his return to Chicago on Friday at Lasalle Power Company. FREE SHOW!
New show added: Free show at Lasalle Power Co. THIS Friday (Feb.5) with Boho Paisley, Bandages, and Becky Loves Tigers.
New show added: Free show at Lasalle Power Co. Next Thursday with Train Co., Mer, Paper Arrows & Darren Garvey.
Check out the albums of the year in "what we are listening to". Happy New Year!
Check out artist of the month MICaH WALK Band @ Schubas this Saturday. Jan 2, 2010! Happy New Year!
Check out the albums of the year in "what we are listening to". Happy Christmas and stuff!
This Friday: Boho Paisley, Sunfallen and Micah Walk Band at Cubby Bear: FREE SHOW. Starts at 9pm
This Friday: Air This Side of Caution, Chris Buehrle Band & Jeffray David at Enclave downtown! Free show if you say "Shoeshine Boy". Starts at 9pm
Featured Artist Murley Shertz with Painkiller Hotel and Train Co. at Joes on Weed Street for Black Wednesday! Check out details HERE.
Metro this Thursday: Glittermouse, Boho Paisley, Helicopters & Weber Band.
Congratulations to Featured Artist Murley Shertz! Come to their Black Wednesday performance at Joes on Weed Street
Halloween Showcase with Deadstock Audio, The Innocent and Family of the Year. This Friday,October 30 at Schubas Tavern. Prizes for Costumes, $3 Bud Light Drafts. 9pm
Artist of the Month: Train Company at Montrose Room with Chris Buehrle THIS Friday (October 23rd). 18+ show. 8:30pm
Market Rooftop shows continue. This Week: Deadstock Audio & Tony Calderisi: 9 pm. NO COVER Charge.
Market Rooftop shows continue. This Week: Dave Tamkin & Jeffrey David. 9 pm. NO COVER Charge.
Pictures from the SOLD OUT 9.5 Anniversary Show will be up soon. Check out the pictures from the 9th Anniversary in the photo section.
The 9.5 Anniversary Begins with a week of shows, starting Tuesday. Get your today for the weekend shows before they sell out!
The 9th Anniversary Party pictures are up in the photo gallery! Get your tickets for the 9.5 before they sell out!
Check out Market (1113 W. Randolph) on Wednesday nights this summer on the rooftop
RIP Michael
Shoeshine Boy Productions 9.5 Anniversary Party at Double Door : Saturday 8/29/09 plus other shows that WEEK
Check our Artist of the Month at Summerfest this Friday (US CELLULAR Stage) at 12 PM
Just announced: Shoeshine Boy Productions 9.5 Anniversary Party at Double Door : Saturday 8/29/09
Check Out Artist of Month Weber Band at St. Mike's Fest on June 13th
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Cubby Bear is where its at this weekend, FYI. R.I.P. Dom D.
Thanks to all of you who came to the party! Pictures will be up soon. R.I.P. Bea Arthur
Last call for advance tickets for the 9th Anniversary Party. If you need tickets email Paul Today. Without advance tickets, no preparty for you!
Get your tickets for the 9th Anniversary Party email Paul Today. It will sell out!
ARTIST OF THE MONTH ->Dead Stock Audio<- Live at Cubby Bear this Friday
Happy Inauguration Day. Congratulations and best of luck to Chicago's own PRESIDENT Barack Obama
Looking for Cds to buy? Check out our BEST of 2008. Happy New Year!
Check out the Cubby Bear Showcase tomorrow night
Just ADDED: Dave Tamkin opens for Freddy Jones at House of Blues: THIS FRIDAY!
Come see ARTIST OF THE MONTH MICAH WALK at Cubby Bear for FREE on Thursday
Happy Veterans Day
Big shows in Wrigleyville this weekend at Cubby Bear and Goose island. Cubs fans: come back to the place dreams are shattered.
October 7th is the last day to register to vote in Illinois. Please register if you have not already!
Got friends or fans in New York? Please send them to 169 Bar this Friday night to see Chris Buehrle's New York debut.
Congratulations to Champaign's SANTA for being Shoeshine Boy Production's ARTIST OF THE MONTH. Catch them on July 11 at Double Door.
The Shoeshine Boy Productions family is saddened by the tragic and sudden loss of Mike Murphy of Leave. He will be missed dearly.
Pictures from the 8th Anniversary Party will be up soon. What a party!.
Few tickets are left for the 8th Anniversary Party email Paul Today to try and get one today.
Commencing April 1, 2008, Paul Farahvar has joined the law firm of CUISINIER, FARAHVAR & BENSON, LTD. For entertainment law assistance email Paul .
Email us for your Tickets to the 8th ANNIVERSARY PARTY
This Thursday at Goose Island Wrigleyville FREE WINTER SESSIONS SHOW w/ Micah Walk and Lacona BRING GENTLY WORN SHOES FOR DONATION
For advance tickets to the Soulfix CD Release Party this Saturday email Soulfix!.
Catch Artist of the Month, Soulfix at Double Door on Saturday December 29, 2007
Catch Artist of the Month, Chris Buehrle and his band at Wise Fools Pub this Friday!
Congratulations to Chris Buehrle: ARTIST OF THE MONTH
Coming in December: WINTER SESSIONS Compilation CD (Vol. II)
Coming Soon: Paper Arrows debut in Los Angeles
LAST PONTIAC SHOW for the Summer Session Series with Soulfix and David Golan This Thursday. Grab your free compilation CD!
Need to know what music to buy? Check out what we are listening to..
Come to Pontiac Cafe this Thursday for the FREE compilation CD. David Golan, Josh Sykora, and Leave perform. No Cover!
Helicopters has been selected as a semi-finalist in the Lollapalooza Last Band Standing contest. Click here to place your vote for Helicopters!
Please support the Lovehammers as they raise money for a lost friend's family at Rockit on Thursday. Click here.
New pictures up from the Anniversary Party in the picture section. Free "Pontiac Sessions" Compilation CD available now at Pontiac Cafe on Thursdays!
Thank you to all who came to the Party last week! Coming Soon: The Pontiac Cafe Sessions Series and CD Compilation
For advance tickets to the 7th Anniversary Party on Saturday, April 28th, email Paul before Thursday.
Listen to AIR THIS SIDE OF CAUTION's interview on WXRT (93.1) live on Sunday, April 22nd!
For details on the SBP 7th Anniversary Party on Saturday, April 28th, click here.
Its Official: April 28th is the date for the 7th Anniversary Party at Double Door! For information on how to get advance tickets, email Paul.
Coming Soon: 7th Anniversary Party at Double Door. See NEW pictures from last year in the photo gallery.
Catch the Police "cover up" at Pontiac Cafe this Thursday. No cover charge and Police songs covered by tons of local artists.
Catch Shoeshine Boy Productions Showcase at Double Door: THIS FRIDAY!
Our choices for Albums of the Year are here
Catch Shoeshine Boy Productions Showcase at House of Blues: December 22nd!
Don't forget to vote next Tuesday!
October 10th is the last day to register to vote in Illinois for this election. For more information, email Paul.
Check out Champaign’s Headlights. Get their new CD, Kill Them With Kindness, here.
Buddy Nuisance’s CD release Party is this Friday at Wise Fools Pub. If you can’t make it, get the CD here.
Weber Band’s CD Release is this Saturday, August 12, at Wise Fools Pub.
Cast your vote for Helicopters on Q101’s Local Music Mailroom between now and Friday the 27th. Click here to sign up and vote!
The 6th Anniversary Party at Double Door was a success! Thanks for coming! (Pictures will be on this site soon.)
The 6th Anniversary Party at the Double Door is Saturday, April 29th. Win Tickets on WXRT or buy tickets here.
Want to be choosen for a benefit compilation CD? Find out how.
1. My Morning Jacket › Z
2. Wilco › Kicking Television
3. Helicopters › How to Fake Fall Asleep
4. Kanye West › Late Registration
5. Redwalls › de nova
6. Fiona Apple › Extraordinary Machine
7. John Legend › Get Lifted
8. Sufjan Stevens › Illinois
9. White Stripes › Get Behind Me Satan
10. Amos Lee › Self-Titled
Check out our Schubas and Cubby Bear shows this weekend that close out our 2005 Chicago shows! Thanks for a great year!
Mark your calander for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving party at the Original Mothers.
Congratulations to Chicago’s Marty Casey for his runner-up victory on Rock Star INXS! Great things are in his future!
Please vote for Chicago’s Marty Casey as he tries to be the new lead singer for INXS. Vote here Tuesday at 9pm c/s/t.
Shoeshine Boy Productions Showcase on August 27, 2005 at Metro. Download Ticket (PDF)
Celebrate Mickey Finns Brewery Anniversary Party with Soulfix, Dave Tamkin & Co and Matt Hoffer this friday!
Please vote for Shoeshine Boy's friend Marty Casey of the Lovehammers on the INXS search for a lead singer at http://rockstar.msn.com/
Catch Buddy Nuisance & Burn Rome Burn at Summerfest in MILWAUKEE next week!! Details in Upcoming Shows
The 5th Anniversary Party is THIS SATURDAY! For more information, email Paul
Thanks to all who made it to the SHOESHINE BOY SHOWCASE at House of Blues last Friday! Get your advance tickets for the Anniversary Party by emailing Paul before April 14th
SHOESHINE BOY PRODUCTIONS SHOWCASE at House of Blues this Friday! Get your Tickets today
SHOESHINE BOY PRODUCTIONS 5th ANNIVERSARY PARTY is CONFIRMED at the new Cubby Bear on Saturday, May 7th. Get your tickets in advance by emailing Paul
Look for the 5th Anniversary Party for Shoeshine Boy Productions annoucement next week!!.
The Return of Dan Darrah to Chicago at Schubas Tavern on February 10th. There are still tickets available
Happy New Year! Check out Artist of the Month Buddy Nuisance with Vulgar Boatmen and Stylus at Schubas this Saturday, Jan. 7th.
Thank you for supporting original Local Music in 2004!
No New Years Plans? Tickets for Robert Randolph, Big Head Todd and Michael McDermott at Navy Pier are still available. Go to Big Creek Events for more info.
Wanna win Tickets to the Will Hoge show featuring Dave Tamkin and Burn Rome Burn at Double Door. Email Paul today between 1 and 3 PM.
Catch our Artist of the Month Buddy Nuisance on WXRT Radio Chicago on Wednesday and Saturday
Get tickets to the Double Door showcase on Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday) with Buddy Nuisance, Punsapaya, Amy Loftus and Karma Tease
Catch a special acoustic performance by Dan Darrah at Cubby Bear. With Karma Tease and Al Weber (with his band) and Rebecca Wickens $2 Well Drinks all night!
Catch Artist of the Month Soulfix at Subterranean this Saturday with Echosend, Matt Hoffer & Tall Friends
At Double Door this Saturday: Stellar Road, Air This Side of Caution, Light FM & Buddy Nuisance
Catch Dan Darrah (and band) at Schubas with Al Weber & Karma Tease
On Thursday, Catch Dan Darrah with Akiva (from New York) at Wise Fools Pub, Chicago.
Ok people, REGISTER TO VOTE!!!
Thanks to everyone who caught Dan Darrah and Dave Tamkin at the Old St. Pat's Block Party. Pictures will be up soon. Catch Dan and his band at Double Door on Friday, July 30th. Get your tickets in advance by emailing Joe.
Listen to WXRT (93.1 FM) on Thursday for a big announcement involving our artists. It's great to be in Chicago for the summer!
Congratulations to Dave Tamkin for being our artist of the month. Dave will be performing at Cubby Bear with Dan Darrah and Karma Tease on June 18th. You can register to vote at the show, or go to Rock the Vote and register today.
Congrats to Dan Darrah, Air This Side of Caution and Dave Tamkin for another sold out show at Schubas! Check out Dan and Dave at Cubby Bear on June 18th!
Pictures of the Anniversary Party will be up soon. Check out the shows in May including a showcase on the 8th at Cubby Bear and the long awaited Chicago return of Dan Darrah at Schubas on May 15th.
New shows added! Check out the upcoming shows link...
Dates for the upcoming Dan Darrah tour of the Midwest and Southwest have been announced! See if Dan’s playing in your area.
Featured artist for March: My Name is Pete.
Interested in a fall internship with Shoeshine Boy Productions? Contact Paul Farahvar.